Featured image of post Seventeen-Thousand Miles of Serenades

Seventeen-Thousand Miles of Serenades

Subtitle: Miles of Smiles

Please enjoy a photo of my present workspace above.

I did it.

I played one-hundred serenades in four months over seventeen-thousand miles of travel. I went from The Florida Keys to the San Juan Islands. LA to New England. I saw the Grand Canyon, Big Sur, The Rocky Mountains, and so, so many tears of joy as I delivered messages of love from serenade senders all over the world.

You may notice that I haven’t updated the blog in a while. It was really challenging to hold everything together while booking, practicing, and performing serenades.

BUT I’ll be slowly filling in the gaps here with all of the photos, video, and stories from my trip.

Living in my truck while running my serenade business (as well as my regular teaching and performing businesses) lead me to some wild experiences. I saw so much beauty, and got into some really tough situations.

But I’m done for now. In January I hope to do a similar trip with a camera crew. In the coming days and weeks I’ll be posting more updates here, as well as on my Facebook page .

To send me out on serenades throughout the country next year, fill out the form at this page. Stay tuned to find out how else you can help! Anybody want to produce an episodic documentary? 😏

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