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Day 7 of 90: How Much Can One Blog?

Trying a different format today; I gotta rest, so I’m seeing how much infotainment I can jam in with less temporal/energetic outlay.

Please enjoy! Let me know what you think in the comments!

I think that the thing I forgot to say was that I’m trying to rest. I think.

Around 10:30 a.m. I decided to break into my aunt’s office and make her sing to my cousin, her neice, Hillary. I chickened out.

But closer to noon we got a little thing going, and the dog joined.

Then I went to pick up my car, and found that there some tiny people celebrating my new tires.

This next one was supposed to be my last video of the day…

…but I decided to give a good long one after that. I was so desperate for connection and feeling so helpless.

So that’s that! Let me know in the comments if you liked this format! Things have been so hectic that it was my only option as far as time and energy go!

Serenade Opportunities!

I’ll be in Asheville until Sunday with openings on Friday, and Saturday, as well as Sunday morning.

I’ll be in Austin from Tuesday until Friday! I’ve got a lot of openings there. So excited!! Baby’s first time in Texas. ❤️

Reach out ASAP to get the ball rolling ! I’ve also got openings up and down the west coast, from LA to Seattle!! Let’s keep this train rolling!! ❤️ 🙏💓🙏❤️

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