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Waking Up In DC

Day 4 of 90: Family & Shelter

Gosh today won’t slow down. It seems that I’ve entered the part of the travels in which I have absolutely no free time and even less energy.

The Serenade

oh goodness. today I played the most amazing serenade. It was a four song Steven Universe medley and when I got to the end, the serenadee started crying, and so I was also fighting tears for the last song!! Eeee!!

She was super cool, and so are the twenty friends whose names I listed off who contributed to the serenade. So freaking awesome.

What world is this? How freaking lucky am I?

Travels & Negotiations

I’m so exhausted and just wish I had some help. I’m gonna keep this part brief, as I’m not looking to indulge in these negative feelings when I have so much to do. But in the spirit of a factual, transparent blog-reading experience, do know that there isn’t enough time in the day to practice, perform, schedule, plan, collect payments, teach, and do all of the other things which I need to do.

…But I’m working it. I’ve got my eyes on the prize. I will get to slow down when this journey is over. I will have no other choice.

Game Night

I played some digital board games with some of my favorite people as I do most Sunday nights since the pandemic started. You can see an awful hand of mine at the top. I played “gout.”

Moving forward

There are so many unknowns in the coming weeks and months. I’m not sure how much access to shelter I’ll continue to have. Or time, energy, and a good internet connection.

But I’m excited to keep you all updated here.

Talk soon. ❤️

Serenade Openings

Reach out ASAP for all of these locations

  • Asheville
    • June 10th, 2 openings until 5 p.m.
  • Jackson, MS
    • Times TBA - three openings
  • Austin, TX
    • Times TBA - one opening
  • Phoenix, Tucson
    • Times TBA - three openings
  • Albuquerque
    • Times TBA - two openings
  • Las Vegas
    • Times TBA - four openings
  • Los Angeles
    • Times TBA - Late June/early July
    • I’m gonna be here a couple weeks so: LOTS of openings!
  • LA to Seattle
    • The month of July! I’ll be stopping all up and down the coast. REACH OUT TODAY!
  • Denver/Boulder
    • Early August
  • Chicago
    • Mid-August
  • Pittsburgh
    • Late August
  • Philly
  • Florida
    • Late fall/winter/early spring 2021-2022!
    • Should be open to conventional gigs by then! Reach out Gainesville!! ❤️ (I’ll also be doing days in South Florida!)

Talk soon! ❤️

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