Above, please find a photograph of me making this blog post from a baseball stadium parking lot in College Station, Texas.
I know it’s been a few days since I updated.
I’ve been trying so hard to keep this thing updated everyday, and I guess I just hit a wall.
I have been practicing, booking serenades, trying to keep social media updated, but most importantly: doing serenades, practicing (and resting… when necessary).
I hit this wall last year when I was overworked with serenades, but luckily then, I was able to afford an assistant to help with bookings, such that I could maximize my time and energy spent practicing and serenading.
I didn’t know what it truly meant to need rest until I kept hitting that wall last year, and recently I’ve just been teetering atop that wall.
I wish so badly that I could have a team supporting me again, but the margins are just so thin on this trip. And the monetary uncertainty on this trip just adds to the exhaustion of constantly playing and practicing. Even on the long drives, I am just listening to my playlist of the songs which I need to learn, and singing along. That is until I need to rest my voice, for fear of injuring it.
Please understand, though, that I am not quitting. When this trip is over, whether by design or by inescapable catastrophe, please know that I will make a big deal of it. …Does that even need to be said? 💅 💃
Until then, I have to book about forty more serenades. So let's do this!
Upcoming Serenade Locations
Thanks for understanding: Dates have to stay loose as I have a lot of serenades that still need to have the date pinned down. So much interdependency on my calendar! It’s a blast.
So get in ASAP to snag a serenade on this trip where you want it. TOO MANY people are reaching out when I get to the location, or worse yet, after I leave! Reach out today!
- Austin
- Tuesday (tomorrow) and Wednesday!
- Albuquerque
- This Saturday!
- Los Angeles
- June 22nd to Mid-July
- Bay Area
- Mid-July to end of July
- Portland
- Beginning of August
- Seattle
- Middle of August